Whether in a large residential complex or in a hotel, sanitary noises that rob you of sleep can be avoided using state-of-the-art technology. Corresponding products and solutions are available, with new ones being launched all the time.
The acoustics specialists at Geberit are convinced that technical building systems will become much quieter in future. This is why the company systematically ensures that new sanitary products produce only minimal noise levels right from the development stage onwards. Geberit works on the basic principles in this regard at various facilities, including the company’s own building technology and acoustics laboratory – a facility that is unique in the building technology sector.
The latest product of this development work is the highly sound-absorbing drainage system Silent-Pro, whose exceptional acoustic properties are primarily achieved due to three factors: the high inherent weight of the newly developed product material, increased wall thicknesses at precisely defined points and a consistent decoupling from the building structure.
“There are many acoustic phenomena in the field of sanitary technology that are still not properly understood,” explains Oliver Wolff, Head of Building Physics at Geberit. “However, thanks to our work, we are continually gaining a better insight into the complex inter-relationships of sound transmission.”
We strive to continually develop our expertise – for example, in the field of acoustics and sound insulation – and to incorporate our know-how into our products. After all, we also take the need for more peace and quiet seriously.