Whether raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, production equipment, services or packaging, Geberit has a responsible procurement policy right across the board. This responsibility has many facets. It encompasses the highest quality standards, socially responsible and healthy working conditions as well as environmental protection and the commitment to fair business practices. The Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which is aligned with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, formalises this commitment to responsible procurement. At Geberit, almost 100% of suppliers have signed this Code.
Model AG in Weinfelden (CH) specialises in making cardboard from paper and using this cardboard to produce customised packaging solutions. The customer and supplier relationship has existed for decades and has long since blossomed into a reliable partnership where both parties constantly work together to bring about improvements.
More efficient processes, the reduction of waste during the individual production steps and the use of heat from the production facilities to heat the halls are just some of the many examples of the sustainable progress achieved together.